Parent & Family Advice and Support

Seeking help as a parent (or parent-to-be), when you, your child or family is experiencing difficulties is a courageous step to support yours and/or your child’s holistic needs. Every child, family and parent system and individual is unique, and the type of support we need may differ too. Sometimes parents / families find a time-limited number of sessions (1-3) enough to help better understand a concern around their child, parenting or family, to connect to existing strengths and skills, and to signpost to any further coping resources they may want / need, to continue working towards.

What is a consultation?

These time limited sessions (1-3) provide a supportive space to talk about a specific concern or issue. Consultation sessions are brief, as the focus is on starting to make sense of experiences, rather than exploring difficulties in depth or ongoing therapy. My approach to consultation is warm and friendly, inviting everybody to feel listened to and understood - whether it is as a parent, couple or family. With 10+ years training and working as a clinical psychologist across the lifespan, and specialist training in parent, child, family and body-based therapy approaches, I draw on a range of tools to help us develop a formulation (or map) of experiences linked to your main concern, to build a shared understanding of struggles and strengths, and any support recommendations.

Your unique family

I am interested in understanding individuals and families within their unique context, supporting them to give voice to experiences and build their preferred futures. This might include (although not limited to) family culture, race, gender, sexuality, and unique intersections of identities. We might explore the wider social political contexts that impact on psychological wellbeing and mental health, including systems of power and oppression, dominant societal narratives (for example around parenting or motherhood) from a reflective, relational, critical and community psychology lens.

Looking for support?

If you are a parent or carer, you can book a FREE 15-minute consultation. This is a quick chat to explore whether therapy might be useful. If it sounds like I could be helpful to you, we’ll arrange an assessment session to hear more about your experiences and explore support options. I mostly offer online therapy sessions, with some limited in person sessions available in East London. 

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